My REsponsibilities and QualificationsMy responsibilities as an intern at the park were primarily to manage the summer concert series we were hosting over this summer. I worked directly with the creator of the concert series and was his go-to person on the park management aspect of the event. I also helped manage the concert with him by creating budget sheets and time slots for each event. I also did all of the purchasing for the concert supplies and helped with all of the prep work on the days leading up to the concert as well as the day of the concert. Also, I helped the park manager by giving him a list of everything needed from the park so we were prepared the day of the concert. Not many technical skills were required for this position, however, this was a very independent project and in order to succeed in this position you should be able to make decisions on your own and not fully rely on your manager. You also needed a certain level of creativity when helping plan and put on a free concert.
Benefits, Opportunities and AchievmentsThis was not a super high paying intern position, but it was a paid position and you are given the opportunity to work a lot of hours for part-time pay. Many of the hours worked are on your own from home or by going into town looking for supplies. That is if you are working with the concert. Other than that it is a very physically demanding position. If being stuck behind a desk all day is not your thing, this is a great position for you. It keeps you involved and interested every step of the way. It is a great opportunity to manage an event on your own which was my managers goal from the start of the internship which made it a great learning and growing experience!